Thanks so much for the great response to this blog!
A special thank you to those who have passed it on to others. We are heading quickly to amazing page visits to this blog! Welcome to folks from all over the country and other countries as well, including Lisbon!!

The "Village", as it was called, is located in the northwest corner of the city of Taunton, Massachusetts U.S.A. It covers about 1 square mile with the center being School Street. A large portion of the Village population was Portuguese when I was growing up.

This blog covers a lot of the history of the Village, much to do with my years as a child there: 1940 through the late 1950's. I do have many wonderful photos and information prior to that that and will share those as well. Always looking for MORE PHOTOS AND MORE STORIES TO TELL.

If you would like to send photos or share a memory of growing up in the Village
e-mail me at
feel free to comment on the posts. Directions are on the right side of the blog posts. Jump in, the water is fine and it is easy!!!

I will be posting photographs but not identifying individuals unless I have permission or they are a matter of public record. It you wish to give me permission, please let me know.

I am looking for any and all photos of the Village...

Please note: the way blogs work is that the latest post is first. It you would like to start from the beginning of the blog, check out the post labels on the right of the blog and go from there. Thanks.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Thank you...

This post is for giving my thanks to all those who have supported, commented, spread the word and in general acted as a team for this blog.  The blog is written with love, every word from my heart. It is grand to feel that others share that emotion for the place that made us what we are today.

In particular, I wish to thank Arlene Gouveia and her son John for creating flyers for the blog which will be placed around Taunton as well as for their patience in digitally sending so many wonderful photos that grace the posts. Arlene's written memoirs have provided so much information with more yet to come!  My sister Kathy for her help, my sister-in-law Carol Souza for steadily sharing the blog through her Facebook posts. Thank you to my cousin Shelley, who so willingly shares memories and photos from her Mom's collection: my wonderful Aunt Alveda. Thank you to Charlene who signed on as a member along with my sister Kathy. Thank you to my sister Mariellen for her support.  Did you know you can do that and automatically be made aware of new posts? Thank you to Dave Semas for sharing his memories and precious photos. Thank you to Margaret Walker for a delightful telephone interview about the Village before my time. To Gina, Elaine, Emma Andrade, the Abreau ladies.... I am sure to forget someone but if you are not on this post you are in my heart. Gilda Mello Lynch, Tom Hoye, Nancy Hendrickson, Debbie Moniz: thank you for your interest and comments. Thank you to my nephews Peter and Ryan..I know you are checking in.  Thank you to all the new friends who grew up in Taunton now starting to follow this blog, as well.  You are a rich source of information for this amateur historian.

Comments keep bloggers going! It is more appreciated than you can know.  To everyone who visits: now all over the country and into Europe! Thank you for tuning in.  I started this project when I was getting to what I thought was the end of my written memoir of growing up in the School Street Village. At that point I made the decision to put it online in this Robert Frost said:

                    "....I took the road less traveled by and that has made all the difference!"

The blog and each of you pushes me into new territory, 
into areas of information and memories that delight us all.  

Finally, to my husband who proofs, listens and shares his own growing up adding to each and every post my heartfelt thanks. It is not an easy project, this blog, especially as it grows. I now have a big poster storyboard in my studio to try and keep topics straight and listed.  I need you all, your thoughts and comments, especially stories and photographs.

                                   So keep this coming....we have a long, wonderful way to go!

To each all and your families we wish a Merry blessed Christmas - let us keep the legend of School Street alive and well !!!

                                                           Sandy Souza Pineault


  1. Hi Sandy, wishing you and everyone here a Blessed Christmas, and a Happy, and prosperous New Year! Enjoy reading this page very much, and hope it continues. I have not lived on School Street for many years, moved after my dad passed in 1972, but to this day, at 57 years old, when I travel down School St and pass by the home I lived in for 17 years, I still get that ache in my stomach of missing that old house and my neighborhood! We were a family in that neigborhood with my Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary Rose in the house behind our's, (the Rose homestead), and my Uncle Frank and Aunt Phoebe Rose across the street, my oldest sister Jeanette and her husband Teddy next door, the Rico's and Luz's on the other side. In the early years my sister Carol and husband Joe was across the street for a time. It was a family affair for sure, oh and not to mention cousin Arlene, husband John, and their son, John Jr (Jack) living behind us. Arlene is the daughter of Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary............ We were always surround by our family, it was wonderful! So many memories for sure!

  2. I remember you and your yesterday. I am very glad that you are enjoying this blog....and so appreciate your sharing. Have a happy Christmas and keep tuned in! Lots more to come, especially if folks, like yourself, keep sharing.
